We design and lead large, multi-party collaboratives that include stakeholders across the clean energy ecosystem, including policy-makers, utilities, program implementers, technical experts, consumer and environmental advocates and community representatives. Our collaboratives achieve results – we help identify and/or create consensus-based solutions on clean energy policy, programmatic and technical issues that drive clean energy forward.
Our success is driven by our broad and deep subject matter expertise, combined with our training and experience leading large clean energy collaboratives:
Clean Energy Expertise
We bring industry-leading knowledge of clean energy policy, laws and regulations, programs and technologies. Deep industry knowledge is foundational to leading collaboratives that achieve impactful results.
Effective and Results-Driven Facilitation
Our training in mediation/negotiation and extensive experience leading collaboratives allows us to forge common ground amongst parties with very diverse backgrounds and perspectives. In our work, we identify and propose consensus positions. Our collaborative results have removed barriers associated with regulatory and/or policy grid-lock; created efficient and standardized processes, tools, standards and guidelines, and yielded agreement on complex technical values and matters.
We have developed a rigorous and standardized Energy Engineering approach to validate, quantify and update the impact of clean energy technologies to facilitate and accelerate their approval and adoption to achieve their expected savings, greenhouse gas reductions and other metrics. The quality of our tools, templates and standards/guidelines have been validated across all technology types and market segments.
Software & Analytics Tools
We have developed proprietary software tools that enable us to comprehensively and efficiently analyze new clean energy technologies. These tools ensure savings and other metrics reflect rapidly changing market conditions.
We have developed templates to ensure structured, efficient, and consistent evaluation and management of new clean energy technologies based on client-determined metrics
Documented Standards and Guidelines
We have established written, detailed standards and guidelines to evaluate, manage and update new and existing clean energy technologies. Our standards and guidelines have been used and validated across all technology types, climate zones and other key parameters that impact important metrics such as savings, cost-effectiveness and greenhouse gas reductions
We design, build, manage and update software for evaluating, maintaining and updating clean energy technologies for our clients. These solutions are purpose-built with client and user-needs front and center.
Plan & Engage Users
Our software design process begins with intensive planning and user needs assessment. We develop and ensure consensus key user business requirements, then develop a roadmap.
Design & Build
We build software based on the "Agile Scrum" method that involves short sprints and frequent user testing. We ensure code is well-documented and carefully monitor system performance, stability and security as the software is developed.
Host, Maintain & Train
We maintain, optimize and enhance the solutions we build to meet evolving client needs. We work with clients to ensure our solutions work within their existing systems. We provide ongoing training and support to meet client needs.
We provide strategic support for portfolio design and optimization targeting residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural market sectors to meet baseload energy needs.
Develop Across All Market Sectors
We develop energy efficiency program strategies for all market sectors to address local and regional capacity constraints.
Analyze & Optimize
We conduct research and analysis of specific technologies, markets, intervention strategies, incentive structures, etc. to optimize program offering measure mix and ensure programs conform to industry best practices.
Tailored & Custom
We work with local governments, schools, non-profits, and others to design tailored strategies for the public sector that recognize unique strengths and funding challenges faced by these entities.
Regulatory Support:
Solicitation and Contract Management: